yes& connects clients and agencies in need of project based strategic planning with the most experienced, battle tested freelance talent in the country.

Branding and communications strategy has never been more important but you’re facing a talent gap, or a time-crunch and you don’t have time to go out and find a strategist to help you build your brand. 

We do and we have. We can connect you with the perfect freelance brand collaborator to help you with:

The Open Talent Economy

It’s a freelance world, as more and more senior, experienced people take ownership of their work life and join the ‘open-talent’ economy – a collaborative, transparent, technology-enabled, rapid-cycle way of doing business.

What the open source model did for software, the open talent economy is doing for work – providing access to talent not ownership. 

Collaboration Model

The yes& model It is designed to tap into the best strategists on the open talent market, on a transparently priced, project based basis. We treat talent as an asset, not an expense.

Answer a few collaboration needs questions and we will match you up with the best strategist for your type or business. A strategist that knows your category and has the skill set you need, so they are up-running and adding value straight away.

Plus, we have removed the ‘black box’ around pricing. We will agree your project costs, based on a defined scope, before the work begins and your relationship will be directly with the strategist. And with strategy decoupled from execution, your fees go towards thinking not covering excess overheads.

yes& is efficient, fast and gives you access to the best talent without the search or the on-going cost.


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